August 11, 2008

More to Life?

Have you ever stopped at a crossroad, and just had to take a moment and think? What crossed your mind? Should I find another job? Do I deserve to get paid more, and how much should that really be in dollars? What about finding a bigger, and better home for my family? When is the market going to change? How can I sell to improve my families quality of life? Am I being greedy now that I am thinking all of these thoughts? I feel that at times I can get caught up in the circle of insanity. I do feel that I am a positive person and always seem to look for the higher road, but there are these times that I get caught in the crossroads... What do you do during these times? Any advise?

July 29, 2008

Blessings make you feel good!

My life has been full of many blessings in the past week. I am so excited, and feel so good inside-that it reminds me that Life Is Good. The blessings have enhanced my life, and gave me more purpose in my life. It is so amazing how the good things or events in life just lift you up, and keep you going! (Thank you, Peggy!)

July 9, 2008

Two Life Paths

Let me ask a question? Do you know or trust that there are two paths in life always? Two choices that everyone has to make in any situation they approach? And, yes I know that the choices could be very difficult, but isn't there always a better choice of the two you face?

Ok, so what do you do when someone you know very well (or maybe you think you know them) is always making the less positive choices to better themselves? And, the turns around, and is always complaining about the life they are choosing?

I have prayed, and talked to the person very honestly. And, it just isn't sinking into their head. What I am learning is that this person not an honest person... Saying one thing, and doing another. Actions speak louder than words.

It is upsetting me that I see this person "having so much" in the worldly possessions, and is just missing the boat on the self-worth piece of life.

I think I hold self-worth, family, and friends at a much higher value in my life than maybe this other person does, and I am not observing the actions well.

I will keep praying for her, and her family. And, remain with high hopes that she will make better choices when she has to make another decision for herself, family, and friend around her.

January 8, 2008


The best things in life are absolutely unseen! Have you ever wished, or dreamed so much that you actually felt like the wish or dream was going to come true? And, then did you noticed when it did come true? That was the unseen. This is the unseen; you can call it your God/Universe/Higher Power; A higher power or emotion than yourself. When you are alone, and sad do you ever feel a slight relief, like maybe you got a HUG? That hug was from the unseen? Have faith, and always believe! You are never alone. The unseen always wants what is the very best for us. And, we need to expect the very best, too. To expect the very best with all your might and having faith that you will be provided exactly what you need/want you will receive it!